Minder is an open and interactive platform for all institutes and individuals that are dedicated to deliver the best education, skills, and support for children. By sharing their work and accomplishments, they connect them on their network seamlessly with parents and students, thus creating a virtual space accessible anytime and anywhere.

Minders bring together institutions into 6 categories:

  • Schools
  • Nurseries
  • Private Learning
  • Sports
  • Music & Art
  • Therapy

QTech Networks – Branding & Designing agency in Dubai provided Minders with all the concepts and designs needed for their brand. Branding is a design process to create unique brand identities personalized to the concept of your company to promote concept awareness and create a relatable user experience. The elements provided were:

  • Logo
  • Brand Guidelines
  • E-Signature
  • Letterhead
  • Invoice
  • Voucher
  • Visiting card
  • Envelope



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